Get your answer scripts with RTI

Get your answer scripts with RTI

The recent release of the JNTUH results took a toll on the students. It is shocking to see the number of backlogs a student is having. Having one backlog is so common that none are surprised. Two and three backlogs are a tad bit surprising and five is like the real thing to be considered. Students are confused on the results. Various questions like "What is the evaluation process?", "Who evaluated the answer sheets?", "How do we know if the process of correction is legitimate" are arising. So, how do we get the answers??
It is really simple. Just apply for "RTI".
RTI: Right to Information is an Act of the Parliament of India to provide for setting out the practical regime of the right to information for citizens.
Under the provisions of the Act, any citizen of India may request information from a "public authority" (a body of Government or "instrumentality of State") which is required to reply expeditiously or within thirty days.

Steps to apply for RTI for examination paper:
Open the link:

  • Select Ministry/Department/Apex body: Department of higher education, m/o human resource development.
  • Select Public Authority: University grants commission (UGC)
  • Enter your personnel details.
  • Text for RTI Request application: To the Central Public Information Officer, O/o Registrar of University, [Name of the University] [Full Address] Subject: Information under Right to Information Act 2005
    Dated: [Enter the Date of RTI Application]

Kindly furnish certified copies of my answer-sheets, the details of which are as under:

  1. Name of the candidate: [Enter Your Name]
  2. Roll Number : [Enter the Roll Number]
  3. Name of Exam : [Write the name of the examination, say Btech 2nd year]
  4. Date of Exam : [Date of the Examination]
  5. Name of the Subject: [Give the names of the subjects for which you want the copies]
  6. Exam Center: [Exam center location]
  7. Subject Code: [Write the Subject Code of Exam]
  8. Center Code: [Write the Center code as available in Hall Ticket]
    [If you are attaching the Xerox copy of the Hall Ticket write, "I am attaching the xerox copy of the Hall ticket"] [Your name] [Date of writing RTI Application] [Full Postal Address along with email & Telephone number]

So, this is how you obtain your answer scripts.